Monthly Renewal

Nov 01, 2023

I love the beginning of a new month. It's an opportunity to reset, revisit and start fresh. There is something about the first day of the month that brings new awareness of my goals, both at home and at work. It's also the time of year when the holidays are rushing at us, filling us with joy but also stress from the holiday hustle and bustle. 

What do you think of at the beginning of each month? Do you look forward to what's ahead of you or do you tend to concentrate on what happened or didn't happen in the previous month? 

I encourage you to shift your thinking to focus on what's ahead - not in a "I need," I "should", or other types of demands we put on ourselves. Rather, shift your thinking to the present, to what is happening in the moment, while being aware of your reaction and your feelings. Mindfulness is about being in the moment, and too often we live in the past or in the future within our thoughts. 

With the beginning of this month, and the beginning of each day, practice being in the moment. Practice listening with intent, and responding intentionally. 

It's so easy to get distracted but in practicing living in the moment, I promise you'll find yourself more aware and more present in all your interactions. 

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