The Notice requires Wine
Apr 13, 2024Sooooooo. After 24 years, I received notice this week my job is being eliminated. It's been a whirlwind of a week and I don't know what my next steps should be or what I should be doing. But yesterday on the way to meet two of my best girlfriends I got an idea - I'm going to journal and write about this journey. My life is a a complete crossroads: I'm an empty nester with my son graduating from college in a month, I'm single, and my elderly parents need my help but live out of state. So I have options. But I need money. I'm nothing if not pragmatic. So I invite you to come on this journey with me. I have NO IDEA where it's going to take me, but I think that could be fun.
Intro | Background
Day 0 Wednesday, April 10
Notified my job ws being eliminated. WTF. Left the office – walking out while everyone was walking in. It was 8:30a. I felt like all eyes were on me. I know they weren’t but damn. My face was red and puffy, and I was an unsightly mess behind my glasses.
Took a Xanax and slept. Then cried. Slept more. Took a muscle relaxer and slept for hours.
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