Work/LIfe Balance: The Sandwich Generation

Nov 12, 2024

Juggling work/life balance is a challenge for many of us, and as I'm juggling new roles of empty nester and caregiver to my parents, with one in hospice, I find the challenges of the "sandwich generation" are real. 

Many Generation X "kids" like myself find themselves caught in a dynamic of nearing (or being at) retirement age, helping launch our kids off to college or out of the house with newfound independence, and caring for our aging parents. All of these create financial strains, time constraints, and even identity changes as we grapple with our changing roles.

The workplace has made leaps and bounds in supporting employees regarding maternity and paternity care, adoption, and other support for new families. What I find challenging at this stage is finding similar care, support and resources to help with a dying parent. This stage of life is just as challenging (from a time and financial perspective) as much as bringing a new life into this world.

Not only are resources limited (or available but hard to find), this stage of life isn't celebrated with joy - it is difficult to talk about, and awkward for both employees and employers. The grieving process can be a long one, as is the support lifecycle for family members, and many employers aren't equipped to support their employees.

Work/life balance becomes an almost impossible feat, as employees teeter on the edges at any given time.

I find myself turning more and more towards informal mindfulness, and acts of gratitude, reveling in the small things rather than waiting for a big sigh of relief letting go of the anxiety of the day.

Gen X peers, how do you manage work/life balance as you toggle between parent and caregiver? 

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